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GPCA General Meeting and Annual Election

Monday, January 13, 2025 – GPCA General Meeting and Annual Election of Officers and Directors

GPCA General Meeting and Annual Election

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Lower Level of Granite Presbyterian Church – 10637 Old Court Rd.

Topic: Annual election and community discussion about GPCA priorities and events for 2025.  Your input is needed for our newly elected Board to determine our agenda for the year.  

Note: All are welcome but only GPCA members are permitted to vote. To join or renew click here!

GPCA Annual Cleanup 04/13/2024

Time: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: St. Alphonsus Lower Parking Lot

– 4 large containers will be on site for your household “spring cleaning” use    (please understand that you are responsible for unloading your own vehicles)
–  GPCA will provide safety vests to borrow as well as trash bags, bring your own work gloves
– no hazardous or flammable materials
–  no paints or oil
–  no fridges or air conditioners
–  no electronics (computer equipment, TVs, phones etc.)
–  no brush/yard waste (recycled separately by the county)
–  tires will be collected at the pull out on Old Court Road

GPCA General Meeting & Plant Swap 06/12/2023

Time: 6:30 PM Plant Swap
7:00 PM General Meeting

Location: Granite Presbyterian Church

Speaker: Randy Shifflett, Highways Chief
& Keith Link,Traffic Calming Program Manager

Topic: Roads! Bridges! and Traffic! Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation

GPCA has asked DPWT to bring us up to date on road conditions and work status (if any) for Old Court Rd. (non-state portion), Dogwood Rd. , Ridge Rd, Wrights Mill Rd., Davis Ave., Granite Rd., Offutt Rd.,  Hernwood Rd., Furman Lane,  Bridges on Dogwood Rd, Wrights Mill Rd, Offutt Rd, Ridge Rd, Davis Ave.,  Mowing & roadside maintenance challenges. Traffic calming for rural areas experiencing heavy through-traffic (note traffic calming approaching Marriottsville Rd). We all see and experience what happens on our roads every day. Be sure to join us and bring what you know to this important meeting!  

GPCA General Meeting 05/08/2023

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Granite Presbyterian Church

Speaker: Daphne Daly, 4th District Lead Planner & Joe Wiley, Ag/Rural Resource Planner & Land Preservation Specialist

Topic: Planning Overview-Western District and 4th District, Rural Planning

The Baltimore County Planning Department covers policies, development, and preservation actions and processes throughout the County. GPCA is in District 4, which is part of the Western Sector but is outside the urban demarcation line (URDL) thus involving both urban impacts and rural preservation. Our guests will share their professional expertise as it applies to the essential planning overview for our area.

5/08/23 General Meeting Agenda

4/10/23 General Meeting Minute

GPCA General Meeting 04/10/2023

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Granite Presbyterian Church

Speaker: Ken Jordan

Topic: Family Winemaking

Do you or someone you know grow too much fruit and don’t know what to do with it? Don’t let it go to waste! Learn how easily you can turn your excess fruits (and vegetables) into wine with an introduction into principals and equipment of wine making. Some very good samples and examples can be shared. Family winemaking at its best!

4/10/23 General Meeting Agenda

3/13/23 General Meeting Minute

GPCA General Meeting 03/13/2023

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Granite Presbyterian Church

Speaker: Code Enforcement Officer Dave Kirby – 4th District Lead Inspector, Baltimore County PAI

Topic: Code Enforcement: How the Standards for Our Community are Maintained and Improved

The goal of Code Enforcement is to enforce the Baltimore County Codes and Baltimore County Zoning Regulations for the rightful benefit of each community. The codes and regulations are inclusive and cover many violations. Enforcement includes responding to 18,000+ complaints each year, as well as offering community enforcement sweeps. These are drive-through reviews of neighborhoods where the team looks for egregious visible violations which can be easily corrected. Enforcement results in correction notices, citations and possible fines during this process for various code and zoning violations. Code Enforcement also offers a rat control program among other programs in assisting your neighborhood.

3/13/23 General Meeting Agenda

2/13/23 General Meeting Minute

GPCA General Meeting 02/13/2023

Date/Time : February 13, 2023 7 PM

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Social Hall, Granite Presbyterian Church, 10637 Old Court Road.

Speaker: Betty Walke & Peggy Cumming

How to Plant a Pollinator Garden, Q & A

Designing a pollinator garden doesn’t have to be a daunting task! Betty and Peggy will show you how to create a habitat for protecting and providing pollinators and beneficial insects what they need not just in the summer but all year round.

Get more information about planting Pollinator Gardens presentation

2/13/23 General Meeting Minute

GPCA General Meeting-09/12/2022

Date/Time: 09/12/2022 7:00 PM

Topic:  Community Shared Solar Power

Location: Social Hall, Granite Presbyterian Church, 10637 Old Court Road.


Sean WillChene, Shared Solar Advisors, USA

Jim Delong, Clean Choice Project Manager

The Maryland Public Service Commission has implemented a seven-year community solar pilot program to provide access to solar-generated electricity in a manner similar to rooftop solar and net metering for all Maryland customers – and directly from the solar facilities in the Granite area. Our guest speakers will explain the program and how to participate.


Call to Order:

Introductions: All attendees, please state your name, street of residence and whether you are a member or non-member

Speaker Presentation:

Reading of the Minutes:

Financial Report:  Maribeth Diemer, Treasurer

Land Use/Zoning Updates: Kathy Skullney

  •  3001 Ridge Road, Code enforcement and Building Code Violations
  • Patapsco Granite Community Plan for 2030 Master Plan Cycle Update

SWCC Update:

Search for Communications Chair / Secretary / Director / Nominating Chair

Update on Security Square Mall:

New Business:
GPCA Picnic October 15, 2022 2-6 PM
10813 Davis Avenue
Closing Remarks:

Next Board Meeting Monday September 19, 2022 7pm – via Zoom

Next General Meeting Monday October 10, 2022 7pm: LIVE / Speaker to be announced