GPCA General Meetings
All residents of the GPCA area are invited to attend our monthly meeting. These meetings are held the 2nd Monday (no meeting July or August) 7:00 PM in the Granite Presbyterian Church, Lower Level – 10637 Old Court Road, Granite, MD 21163.
Meeting format is usually: A speaker on a topic of community interest, followed by a refreshment break, then the business meeting including time for topics from attendees.
*** Inclement weather meeting cancellation follows the Baltimore County Public School system. If the schools are closed for the day the meeting is cancelled ***
GPCA Board Meetings
GPCA Board of Directors Meetings – are held via Zoom on the 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. If you want to meet with the BOD, please contact the President beforehand to get an invitation.
Meeting dates may be changed to accommodate major holidays.
NOTE: You must have an email address on record with the GPCA to receive monthly newsletters and meeting notices. If you have given us your email and are not getting the notices please check your SPAM or JUNK folder. It is also a good idea to resend your email address since it may have had a typo when entered.