Why the SWCC Committee was formed:

The Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability issued the final Small Watershed Action Plan (SWAP) Report for our area June, 2017.  There are over 20 such plans in the County to address this important resource. Each small watershed feeds into a larger watershed, rivers and then the Chesapeake Bay. So what happens within each small watershed, even your property effects the health and vitality of all water resources and their environment. Which in turn effects our quality of life.

Robert Teller   h. 410.461.4988 rcteller@verizon.net

Since inception it has accomplished the following:

  • monthly informational article in GPCA Newsletter
  • monthly water quality monitoring of 4 streams within the GPCA boundaries
  • annual stream cleanup in the late fall and other events
  • provide speakers for GPCA meetings
  • contact like organizations to explore mutual areas of interest and cooperative action
  • coordinate environmental efforts with Baltimore County Government

Small Watershed Conservation Committee – Resources and Data

We work to improve the water quality of tributaries to the Northern Patapsco River within/near its boundaries, through education and raising awareness of best remediation and conservation practices. Please contact Bob Teller if you are interested in learning more about or joining the committee.

Annual Community Clean-up:

Carol Link   h. 410.465.4369 linkgang87@gmail.com