Please consider investing any of your valuable time in your choice of activities critical to GPCA’s mission to sustain our rural community. Opportunities abound and every applicant gets hired! Check out some of the opportunities below! Just email and letting us know where you can help out. Give it a try, if you find something is not “your cup of tea” try something different. We’re all volunteers!
Choices of Volunteers Opportunities:
- Coordinate Speakers for general meeting
- Liaison with Woodstock Job Corps Center – attend monthly meetings on Woodstock campus. Assist in coordinating volunteers
- Liaison with Baltimore County Police
- Social Media – volunteer to post on Facebook and website updates approximately 3-4 hours per month
- Monthly newsletter – writing, editing or assist with duplicating newsletter or preparation for mailing
- Small watershed conservation, monitoring water quality
- Community Roadside clean-ups
- Fund raising and grant application
- Zoning and community planning
- General meeting program and annual picnic organization
- Other area you may have special skills